Logo Ideno
Control Electronics & InfotainmentControl Electronics & Infotainment
Customer-specific Electronic Control Units for various automotive domains such as ADAS, chassis, body, infotainment and powertrain.
Telematic Control Units, Antenna Systems, and V2X units for services such as remote diagnostics and services, positioning, stolen vehicle tracking, emergency calls, etc.
In-Cabin MonitoringIn-Cabin Monitoring
In-Cabin Sensors for life detection, vehicle cabin monitoring and people counting.
In Vitro DiagnosticsIn Vitro Diagnostics
Laboratory Analyzers for Clinical Chemistry, Immunochemistry and Molecular Diagnostics Applications.
Point of CarePoint of Care
PoCT Devices and Rapid Test Readers for Clinical Chemistry, Immunochemistry and Molecular Diagnostics Applications
Patient Diagnostics & MonitoringPatient Diagnostics & Monitoring
Non-invasive Medical Devices for Clinical Diagnostics, Physiological Monitoring and Telemedicine Applications.
Regulated Medical Device/IVD Software ServicesRegulated Medical Device/IVD Software Services
REG Software as a Medical Device (SaMD), Firmware & Software in MD/IVD Devices, Technical Service and Manufacturing Applications.
In-House EngineeringIn-House Engineering
Part of our teams are located within client’s installations. Client’s efficiency taking advantage of Idneo know-how.
Contract ManufacturingContract Manufacturing
Product manufacturing for high-complexity and low-volume products in Idneo facilities, as well as pre-series prototypes.
Test labs in the fields of EMC and Electrical Safety, as to reduce risks and ensure Compliance with global regulations and/or manufacturers specifications.
Battery Management SystemBattery Management System
Engineering solutions in the field of electrification and energy storage based on Lithium batteries.
Vision SystemsVision Systems
All around-vehicle cameras for Autonomous Driving and Driver Monitoring Systems.
Engineering ProjectsEngineering Projects
Full-cycle product development, including firmware, connectivity and Cloud.
Industrial Design  & UX / UIIndustrial Design & UX / UI
Fitting industrial design with mechanical design, product engineering and system integration.





in cabin monitoring

In-Cabin Monitoring

In Cabin Monitoring Systems with expertise in main OEM



    We develop customer-specific In-Cabin Monitoring System to cover functions such as Child Presence Detection, Intrusion Detection, Driver Monitoring System and Occupant Monitoring System. With medium/low volume in-house assembly facilities and well-established long-term partners for high volume productions, we can supply finished products during prototype phases and mass production.



    How we do it

    In-Cabin Monitoring Systems based on 24GHz, 60GHz and 79Ghz radar.  In-Cabin Monitoring Systems based on IR cameras.





    Idneo A-Life is a low cost 24GHz radar based technology for live detection.

    The main application is the detection of forgotten children inside parked vehicles, which generates more than 50 deaths per year. Advanced algorithms based on breathing and movements patterns analysis are used to improve system performance, allowing the detection of the children in all locations, even in non line of sight conditions (i.e. child in the child sin with “sun protector” or child covered by a blanked).

    Logo IdneoA-Life


    Idneo B-Metrix is a 60GHz radar solution for vehicle cabin monitoring.

    The Idneo sensor can detect the occupancy status of each seat and identify the type of occupant (child or adult) of each position. Advanced algorithms are used for the passengers’ detection and classification, distinguishing objects from real people, and avoiding the need of weight sensors in all the seats. Optionally, vital signal monitoring features can be implemented.

    Logo IdneoB-Metrix


    Idneo Smart-X is a 60 GHz radar device for people counting.

    Radar technology and advanced processing algorithms are used to precisely count the number of occupants inside the vehicle, distinguishing from objects that could generate false detections in camera based solutions. Smart-X devices include battery for a “stand alone” operation and bluetooth connection to transfer data to the cloud using a close modem or mobile phone. Radar based devices do not affect passenger privacity.
    60GHz + BT + BUB.

    Logo IdneoSmart-X


    Idneo Vitax is the second generation of a 24 GHz radar for non-intrusive contact less vital signs extraction. 

    High accuracy breathing and heart rate signals can be extracted including heart rate variability. Idneo has its own proprietary algorithm for added value information generation for advanced applications like drowsiness prediction. Short range and long range variants available depending on the final application.

    Logo IdneoVitax

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